iTunes on openSUSE 11.4

In order to use iTunes University, I had to install iTunes on my notebook that is running openSUSE 11.4. It is quite easy to get some old version of iTunes from but trying to install it on a 64bit machine with wine always failed.

In the end, I could install a 32bit version by doing the following:

rm -rf ~/.wine #(don't do this if you have other wine applications installed, it basically kills any previous wine installation)
export WINEARCH=win32
wine ~/Downloads/iTunesSetup1021.exe

To start iTunes later on, it is sufficient to run the following command:

wine c:/Program\ Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe

Unfortunately, with most of the available courses on iTunes University, I get conversion errors. To circumvent this, I just download the respective courses and view them with mplayer:

cd ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/iTunes U/
mplayer -vo xv <course file>

This is not too nice, but at least it allows me to view iTunes U courses without the need for an operating system I do not own.

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3 Responses to iTunes on openSUSE 11.4

  1. Nice! I testing this in a few day, when i go back from Win 7 Pro to OpenSuse 11.4. :>
    Can i syncronize my iPhone with the emulated iTunes?

    Greeeeeetings from germany. And sorry for bad english.

  2. matthias says:

    i also used itunes to buy some songs, my conclusion was: do not download an old version, latest version from apple site works just fine (or even better than older version like 7.x) and yes, use the 32 bit installer. but I didn’t have to do the WINEARCH trick, it just worked by double-clicking the installer.

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